There are now (at last!) more methods of submitting your solutions. You can of course still use the old method, which is via email to crossword@puzzletome.com. Acceptable formats are a list of clue numbers and answers or an image of the completed grid (JPG/PNG/GIF and no greater than 1MB in size).
Alternatively, you can submit your grid using the form to be found here.
Finally, if you have Javascript enabled in your browser and use our interactive version of the site, you can submit directly from there without having to re-enter the grid. It will also allow you to save and reload puzzles if you have cookies enabled.
Whichever method you choose, your solution must be received by 11:59pm GMT on February 28 2025. The winner will be selected at random from all of the correct entries and be notified no later than March 5 2025.